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Game sheet of Klonimous (file), Game of June 19, 2011 at 01:46

Word find
Word played
1 EFHINOS FINES H4 24 -8 24 1/1 FOEHNS H4 32 32 1/1
2 ?AAILUV OVAL 5H 14 -66 38 2/2 NAVI(C)ULA 8H 80 112 1/2
3 ?DEISSW OWES 5H 14 -58 52 2/2 SID(E)WISE K7 72 184 1/2
4 AAEELNT             ELASTANE 13H 68 252 1/2
5 AEFIRUZ             FRIEZE O10 57 309 2/2
6 DEOSTTY             SOTTEDLY N2 78 387 2/2
7 DEINOOR             RODEO O1 31 418 2/3
8 ACEJNOT             JACONET 14B 88 506 3/3
9 AEGKORT             TAROK 12D 40 546 3/3
10 AGHIRUW             HAW 15G 56 602 3/3
11 AEELPQU             QUEP 11B 40 642 3/3
12 AGIILNV             VAG 15A 33 675 3/4
13 GIMNOPR             PROMOING 5D 102 777 3/4
14 BDEIRUY             REEDY 6F 43 820 3/4
15 BBGILMU             LUZ 14M 30 850 3/4
16 EGIMNOX             MOXA J10 42 892 3/4
17 ABEGINT             BEATINGS 9A 64 956 3/4
18 BCILNRU             RUNCIBLE B2 78 1034 3/4

Total: 52/1034 or -982 for 5.029%
Rank: -

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