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Game sheet of reyna (file), Game of June 20, 2011 at 08:42

Word find
Word played
1 DEGILOO GLIDE H4 18 -2 18 1/4 GOODIE H4 20 20 1/4
2 ?IJLNSU JUN I3 23 -73 41 3/5 JUS(T)LING 4A 96 116 3/5
3 AENSTVW JAWS A4 14 -22 55 4/5 JANES A4 36 152 3/5
4 ADEORXZ             ZERDA 10F 46 198 3/5
5 EEHNORT HOT 11E 25 -58 80 2/4 THEREON 11A 83 281 3/5
6 ABMOPST TOMBS A11 30 -62 110 2/4 BAMPOTS K4 92 373 3/5
7 ABILOTU BLEAT C9 20 -13 130 2/5 ABOULIA J4 33 406 3/6
8 ?ADEETW TWEED A11 39 -41 169 3/8 (S)WEATED 12G 80 486 3/9
9 FINORTU             FRUITION F1 65 551 3/9
10 DEOPRSV FORES 1F 24 -15 193 8/8 LOVERS 8J 39 590 3/9
11 AACIKNW TWINK A11 48 -2 241 3/7 WHACK B10 50 640 3/9
12 AGHIORT HOI 7M 23 -31 264 8/8 GOTH 15A 54 694 3/9
13 ACENTXY             WAXY H12 51 745 4/9
14 DEIINRT XI 14H 9 -71 273 7/7 INDITERS O1 80 825 4/9
15 AEILMQR QI N1 37 -14 310 2/8 FAQIR 1F 51 876 4/9
16 AEIMNPY RAINE 2F 26 -19 336 3/8 PIEMAN N1 45 921 4/9
17 FGILOUY FOGY 13L 33 -13 369 3/7   L1 46 967 3/9
18 CEEILUV VEE C9 15 -11 384 5/7 VESICLE C2 26 993 3/9

Total: 384/993 or -609 for 38.67%
Rank: 5306

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