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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of June 21, 2011 at 14:27

Word find
Word played
1 ?AEEINP PIAN(O) H4 18 -54 18 3/6 PE(R)INEA H4 72 72 3/6
2 AEILLSV PAVES 4H 20 -7 38 5/7 SILVAE 11F 27 99 4/7
3 AEHNRTY HATER 10J 33 -9 71 5/7 YRNEH 10J 42 141 4/7
4 DINOTUY YON 9M 24 -5 95 3/7 OUNDY 12K 29 170 4/7
5 ACEGMNO CYANO O11 30 -38 125 1/6 CAMEOING 7C 68 238 4/7
6 ELNOPRT TOP 6D 27 -43 152 3/6 PETRONEL 5G 70 308 4/7
7 DFINOSV FINDS O1 44   196 4/6 FOIDS O1   352 4/7
8 ADERTTV YARD O12 24 -3 220 2/6 TYRED O11 27 379 4/7
9 AAEKOTX             OXALATE N2 48 427 4/7
10 BHILOQU OH O7 32 -16 252 2/6 OBLIQUE 14I 48 475 4/7
11 BEFGIRS FIER 8L 33 -14 285 4/6 FIBERS 15D 47 522 4/7
12 AEGIIST CAGIEST C7 24 -38 309 1/5 GAIETIES 9B 62 584 4/7
13 ?DEIKNT KEEN 8L 39 -53 348 2/5 T(W)INKED 13C 92 676 3/7
14 AAGMRUW MAW 6D 37   385 1/6       713 3/7
15 GJLORUV JAM E5 24 -22 409 4/6 ROMAJI D4 46 759 3/7
16 AEHOTUZ ZA 8A 36 -33 445 6/6 ZOEA 8L 69 828 3/7
17 AEGIRTV TAXI 3L 22 -6 467 1/7 VIGOR 5A 28 856 3/8
18 AEHLTUW TAXI 3L 22 -14 489 3/6 WHEAL 12A 36 892 3/8

Total: 489/892 or -403 for 54.82%
Rank: 6434

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