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Game sheet of neyetifu (file), Game of June 22, 2011 at 11:42

Word find
Word played
1 ?ACDEEL CA(N)DLE H8 18 -56 18 5/6 DECLA(R)E H2 74 74 5/6
2 DEIORVW DRIVE 9H 21 -77 39 5/6 OVERWIDE 8A 98 172 4/6
3 EHOPRTV HE 7C 20 -12 59 4/5 THROVE 3C 32 204 4/6
4 ?BEKNTX             EXTE(R)N C8 40 244 6/6
5 ABDNSUW WAS 14A 25 -9 84 5/6 SAW 2D 34 278 6/6
6 AABEJMT JA(R) 12A 17 -25 101 6/6 ABEAM 1A 42 320 6/6
7 AIMNRTU MA 2A 20 -16 121 3/6 MURLAIN 5E 36 356 6/6
8 AEIJNOT RIOT D8 17 -24 138 6/6 JETON 14B 41 397 6/6
9 AEIORTT TORE 9F 22 -36 160 4/6 TENTORIA K3 58 455 6/6
10 AEGHIOT HEAT 15E 28 -9 188 5/6 HOAGIE 15E 37 492 6/6
11 DEFOSTY YES 14J 27 -24 215 6/7 FESTY 14J 51 543 6/7
12 CDGILOP             CLIP 11J 34 577 6/7
13 DEGNOUZ             DOZEN N8 44 621 6/7
14 DKLOPRU             KOP O7 40 661 6/8
15 ADEFGIR             FANG 12L 34 695 6/10
16 ADELOUU             UVEA B7 22 717 6/10
17 DEILORU             DIRL 9F 24 741 6/10
18 BINOQSU             QUINS L1 64 805 6/11
19 EINRSUY             QUEY 1L 48 853 6/12
20 BGILNOS             BOS 15A 38 891 6/12

Total: 215/891 or -676 for 24.13%
Rank: 4857

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