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Game sheet of haraya (file), Game of June 22, 2011 at 11:42

Word find
Word played
1 ?ACDEEL             DECLA(R)E H2 74 74  
2 DEIORVW             OVERWIDE 8A 98 172  
3 EHOPRTV             THROVE 3C 32 204  
4 ?BEKNTX             EXTE(R)N C8 40 244  
5 ABDNSUW             SAW 2D 34 278  
6 AABEJMT             ABEAM 1A 42 320  
7 AIMNRTU             MURLAIN 5E 36 356  
8 AEIJNOT             JETON 14B 41 397  
9 AEIORTT             TENTORIA K3 58 455  
10 AEGHIOT             HOAGIE 15E 37 492  
11 DEFOSTY             FESTY 14J 51 543  
12 CDGILOP             CLIP 11J 34 577  
13 DEGNOUZ             DOZEN N8 44 621  
14 DKLOPRU WORK E8 22 -18 22 6/7 KOP O7 40 661 8/8
15 ADEFGIR IDEA F8 7 -27 29 8/8 FANG 12L 34 695 8/10
16 ADELOUU WOULD E8 18 -4 47 6/9 UVEA B7 22 717 8/10
17 DEILORU             DIRL 9F 24 741 10/10
18 BINOQSU             QUINS L1 64 805 10/11
19 EINRSUY             QUEY 1L 48 853 10/12
20 BGILNOS             BOS 15A 38 891 11/12

Total: 47/891 or -844 for 5.274%
Rank: -

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