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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of June 23, 2011 at 20:56

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEFLUY EYEFUL(S) H3 32 -50 32 1/6     82 82 1/6
2 FHOPRTU FOH G3 32 -2 64 4/6 POUTHER 3C 34 116 1/6
3 CDDGIOT COD 2B 19 -3 83 2/4   4B 22 138 1/6
4 AAEGIKS SAKE 5C 25 -13 108 1/6 KAIES A1 38 176 1/7
5 EGLNORS ROLES I3 21 -41 129 3/4 LOUNGERS 7F 62 238 1/7
6 AEILRRS REALISER K6 16 -50 145 3/5     66 304 1/7
7 ?ADINOU DINO J10 22 -48 167 1/4 SUDA(T)ION M7 70 374 1/7
8 AEENOTZ AZOTE 2I 36 -8 203 3/5 ZETA 5C 44 418 1/8
9 AFLMNOT MONA J10 28 -3 231 1/5 TOMAN N8 31 449 1/9
10 EGHIMNO HINGE O4 48 -4 279 2/5 HEMIN O7 52 501 1/9
11 AAEIQSW QI J10 64   343 2/6       565 1/9
12 BCDENSY SEY 15M 27 -30 370 3/6 BENDYS 15H 57 622 1/9
13 AAEEFIL FILER L3 18 -6 388 1/5 LEAFIER L1 24 646 1/10
14 ADEGIOT GODETIA 14B 26 -50 414 1/6     76 722 1/10
15 AAGPRTV VAG 13A 23 -4 437 2/4 VAGAL 1H 27 749 1/10
16 CIORTVW VOW 15A 35   472 4/5       784 1/11
17 CEIJPRT JET 13C 51   523 3/6       835 1/12
18 BINORUW BROWNED D8 32 -35 555 1/6 UNIBROW(S) 9A 67 902 1/12

Total: 555/902 or -347 for 61.52%
Rank: 6825

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