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Game sheet of Grace_Tjie (file), Game of June 24, 2011 at 08:15

Word find
Word played
1 ?DEILOW WILDE(R) H4 26 -52 26 1/2 DOWLIE(R) H2 78 78 1/2
2 DELNORS LORDS 5H 12 -53 38 2/2 RONDELS G7 65 143 1/2
3 AEEEMNO OMEN 3H 9 -23 47 2/2 DEMEANE 2H 32 175 2/2
4 EEILRRV LIVERS 13B 18 -56 65 2/3 SLIVERER 13G 74 249 2/3
5 BCEEIRT NICER M2 14 -62 79 2/3 TEREBIC F2 76 325 2/3
6 ABFINTV FAINT L1 24 -26 103 1/3 BAFT 1L 50 375 2/3
7 AADEGOV LAV H13 18 -17 121 2/3 ADAGE 3K 35 410 2/3
8 ?EOSTTU E(A)ST I8 8 -75 129 3/3 OUT(J)EST O8 83 493 2/3
9 ADJNOSV AS 15N 27 -27 156 1/3 VANS 15L 54 547 2/3
10 ACKNORU CAKE 11D 20 -10 176 1/3 KRONUR 4A 30 577 2/3
11 AGIIOSY SOAK A1 24 -12 200 1/3 KAYOS A4 36 613 2/3
12 DFGIIJO JO 3C 38   238 1/4       651 2/4
13 ADFNOOP NAP I8 11 -18 249 4/4 FAP 12K 29 680 2/4
14 AGIPTUZ GAZE 11D 28 -10 277 1/4 ZIP N6 38 718 1/4
15 ACDIORT DART I8 12 -21 289 3/4 DOLCI H11 33 751 2/4
16 AIIRTWY JOY C3 13 -31 302 3/4 REALITY 5E 44 795 2/4
17 AGLNOQT QI 7M 21 -28 323 2/4 QAT M7 49 844 2/4
18 EHIMOUX OX B6 27 -13 350 4/5 EXHUMED 11B 40 884 2/5
19 GGHINOU HOG D11 14 -70 364 3/4 HOUGHING D7 84 968 2/5

Total: 364/968 or -604 for 37.60%
Rank: 4312

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