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Game sheet of strykyster (file), Game of June 24, 2011 at 12:53

Word find
Word played
1 ACELOOP COPE H7 16 -8 16 4/4 PLACE H4 24 24 4/4
2 DGNOOSY LONGS 5H 12 -14 28 5/5 GOODY 9E 26 50 4/5
3 AEEINNT LENIENT 5H 14 -72 42 1/4 ANTIGENE E5 86 136 4/5
4 ?ABIKNR             BERAKIN(G) 12D 86 222 4/5
5 AADIRUW PAW 4H 8 -25 50 6/6 WAD 13G 33 255 4/6
6 AEMOPRS LAMER 5H 14 -66 64 5/6 PAMPEROS 4H 80 335 4/7
7 ?EIINRX S(A)X O4 9 -105 73 6/6 PRE(M)IXIN(G) K4 114 449 6/7
8 AAFMORV FORA M2 14 -24 87 6/6 MOORVA N2 38 487 6/7
9 ACDOSTT NODS 11K 5 -43 92 4/4 DICAST 8J 48 535 6/7
10 AEGNTUV KANT H12 24 -14 116 4/5 GANEV J10 38 573 5/7
11 EINOOTU             OUTPLACED H1 42 615 5/7
12 EILOSTU BUTE D12 7 -77 123 7/7 OUTLIES 15D 84 699 6/8
13 DENRTUW TENT 3E 5 -59 128 7/7 UNDERTOW 1B 64 763 6/8
14 BHILLNY NIB C1 10 -24 138 7/7 INBY F3 34 797 6/8
15 EEGHIOT ANTI 11J 4 -28 142 7/7 HOISE O1 32 829 6/8
16 AEEFIRS ARE M8 4 -35 146 6/6 FAERIES M7 39 868 6/8
17 AEJLQTU LABEL 5D 7 -25 153 5/5 TAJ D3 32 900 6/8
18 EFGHILZ LET 7C 4 -37 157 6/6 FIZ 14B 41 941 6/8
19 EGHLLOQ GET 3B 8 -30 165 8/8 HELO 13A 38 979 6/9

Total: 165/979 or -814 for 16.85%
Rank: 2411

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