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Game sheet of PIThompson (file), Game of June 25, 2011 at 15:40

Word find
Word played
1 ACNORTX COAX H7 26 -20 26 1/4 OXCART H3 46 46 1/4
2 AEHNPSZ HAZE G1 56   82 1/4       102 1/4
3 ADENOPU PAD F2 45   127 1/4       147 1/4
4 ?AEIKLV (S)KIVE 9H 31 -51 158 3/4 CAV(E)LIKE 5H 82 229 1/4
5 ADEEHIN EHED O5 24 -60 182 3/4 HEADLINE L1 84 313 1/4
6 EEIPRSY PERKY N2 44 -22 226 1/5 YPERITES 8C 66 379 1/5
7 ?AOSTTU STOT(S) 9H 38 -75 264 1/4 STA(K)EOUT O1 113 492 1/5
8 BCGINOR BOR 7C 24 -16 288 3/4 COREIGN E5 40 532 1/6
9 AAELTUU LAURA 7B 18 -18 306 4/5 HEALTH 1G 36 568 1/6
10 AFNOOTW FORA 7C 29 -9 335 1/5 WAIF M3 38 606 1/6
11 AGGIMNT MATING M8 24   359 1/5       630 1/6
12 DEGNOUV VEND 12K 16 -12 375 1/5 VOGUEY C3 28 658 1/6
13 DEIJNOS JEON 4A 38 -15 413 3/5 JEDIS 12A 53 711 1/6
14 BILMORS JOBS A12 39 -27 452 3/5 EMBROILS I8 66 777 1/6
15 ILNOOTW JOWL A12 42   494 1/7       819 1/8
16 BDEORRY YERD J10 38 -3 532 1/6 BREDE B10 41 860 1/8
17 FINORTU FRONTS 15D 39   571 2/6 FOUNTS 15D   899 1/8
18 EIINORU NOIR N11 15 -8 586 1/6 MOIRAI 9I 23 922 1/8
19 EENNQUY EQUINE 13F 25 -8 611 2/6 YEDE C10 33 955 1/8

Total: 611/955 or -344 for 63.97%
Rank: 7004

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