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Game sheet of Stranger (file), Game of June 26, 2011 at 08:16

Word find
Word played
1 ?IILLOU             (B)OUILLI H8 64 64  
2 EGOOPRV             POOVIER 11D 24 88  
3 ADEGNRR             GNARRED I3 70 158  
4 AEOPSTT             APTOTES 15B 101 259  
5 ?AAGILU             ALGUA(C)IL 13G 72 331  
6 ALNOTUW             UNLAW 12A 31 362  
7 AEKSSTZ             ZEALS N10 68 430  
8 BEINTWY             BY 10E 36 466  
9 DEIJNOO JA B14 18 -30 18 2/3 JOIN 14B 48 514 3/3
10 AADEMRV DEAR O8 28 -20 46 1/4 MAAED O8 48 562 2/4
11 EEINORS             ERINGOES 3E 60 622 2/4
12 FGIRSTU FUN H1 18 -21 64 2/4 GRIFTS 2J 39 661 2/4
13 BEEFITU FEET 1I 19 -10 83 2/4 BENET H1 29 690 2/4
14 CDEINTX             EXCITANT 5D 68 758 3/4
15 AEFHORW FROW 4A 38 -8 121 1/2 HOWF 4L 46 804 2/4
16 DEHRTUY DREY 4A 30 -12 151 1/3 DUH 6D 42 846 2/4
17 AEIMNOR ROAM 4A 26 -1 177 1/5 MOINEAU A6 27 873 2/5
18 DEIKRTV             DIRK 4A 38 911 2/5

Total: 177/911 or -734 for 19.42%
Rank: 6539

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