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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of June 26, 2011 at 14:36

Word find
Word played
1 ABGILRS BAILS H4 20 -2 20 5/7 BRASIL H4 22 22 5/7
2 ?AAENOR (S)NORE 10H 14 -64 34 3/5 A(U)ROREAN 5D 78 100 3/7
3 ?AEEJUV JAV(A) 4A 44 -4 78 2/7 JUVE 4A 48 148 2/7
4 ?AETTTV VA(U)LT 9E 8 -53 86 6/6 TIT(I)VATE 8G 61 209 3/7
5 EEFKLSY SEEK O8 57 -33 143 6/8 FYKES O4 90 299 4/8
6 AGHILOS HAGS 4J 23 -61 166 6/7 GOLIATHS M3 84 383 4/8
7 ACFHMOT H(I)T J7 5 -35 171 6/6 MOUCH B2 40 423 5/8
8 DEELMNT SED 7H 10 -60 181 5/6 (U)NMELTED E5 70 493 5/9
9 CNOPRSU SOP 10H 20 -18 201 4/7 ROC N4 38 531 5/9
10 EINOTWY TOWNY D11 38 -3 239 1/7 WINEY D11 41 572 4/9
11 ABDEENP BAP C12 28 -17 267 1/6 BENJ A1 45 617 3/9
12 GIIORTU TORY 15A 21 -9 288 4/8 YOGURT 15D 30 647 3/10
13 AEEILOT TEAL C9 15 -13 303 3/8 OLEATE C8 28 675 3/11
14 DEIIRSU DUO 8A 12 -15 315 5/7 DERV C1 27 702 3/11
15 ADIIIPS AIDS F9 26 -10 341 2/8 DIAPSID 1C 36 738 3/11
16 EFGNNQU Q(I) J7 10 -26 351 5/9 QUEAN J2 36 774 3/12
17 ADIIOPW POO 8A 15 -20 366 8/9 PAW B8 35 809 3/12
18 AIIOOXZ ZA A7 48   414 1/10       857 2/13
19 FGIINOR FUG 3I 11 -19 425 6/8 ORIGIN A10 30 887 2/13
20 DFIIOUX XI 2E 26 -3 451 3/8 OXIDS 10I 29 916 2/13

Total: 451/916 or -465 for 49.23%
Rank: 5378

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