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Game sheet of slebbarc (file), Game of June 27, 2011 at 07:19

Word find
Word played
1 BEEINRS             BRINES H4 22 22  
2 ?DFHNOR             FOREH(A)ND 8E 66 88  
3 BDGIOTY             BODYING K3 28 116  
4 ?AILORT             TRIFO(C)AL E5 90 206  
5 AEGIMRT             MARITAGE 11D 72 278  
6 ADIOSSV             AVOIDS M3 39 317  
7 IKMNOSY             SMOKY L11 48 365  
8 AEFNSTU             UNSAFETY 15E 92 457  
9 ENOORTU             REKNOT 14J 30 487  
10 ACENTVW             VAWTE O11 36 523  
11 EILNTUX             LINUX 14A 33 556  
12 AAJLNOO JET K13 19 -38 19 1/2 JOLL A12 57 613 3/4
13 ADEEEIP PALED 12C 29   48 1/2       642 2/4
14 AEELQTU QUART 6B 36 -18 84 1/2 QUELEA D1 54 696 2/4
15 EHINOTU QUOTH 1D 51   135 1/3       747 2/5
16 AEEGINT AGE 2H 11 -19 146 2/3 AINEE I1 30 777 2/5
17 EIIPRTZ ZEE 3C 24 -10 170 2/3 PEIZE 3C 34 811 2/5
18 ACEIRTW WEAR C5 17 -14 187 1/3 ACTOR F5 31 842 2/5

Total: 187/842 or -655 for 22.20%
Rank: 6600

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