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Game sheet of cipka_616 (file), Game of July 2, 2011 at 17:44

Word find
Word played
1 ?EEITUW             WE(S)TIE H4 24 24  
2 ?ABDGOR             BODRAG(S) 10B 76 100  
3 AENRSYY             NAYSAYER F6 66 166  
4 EEISTUV             EVITES 14A 39 205  
5 AEIMORR             ARMORY 8A 36 241  
6 AADEGIS             EDGES A11 27 268  
7 ABEHIWZ             HAZIER E3 40 308  
8 ACLOORW             CAHOW 3C 34 342  
9 CEEINTX XI 13C 38   38 5/11       380 10/11
10 ABEFNOT BONE 2F 27 -3 65 2/11 BATON 2F 30 410 9/11
11 CEINPPT PIPE 1G 44 -3 109 5/10 PIPET 1G 47 457 8/12
12 AILLMNT             MANTILLA A1 83 540 8/12
13 DENOOSU SOUND L1 25 -55 134 3/9 IDONEOUS 8H 80 620 7/12
14 ADIILOU LAD 4D 18 -14 152 4/9 LIANOID K5 32 652 7/12
15 CEELQTU QI 10J 31 -19 183 7/9 QUAT D1 50 702 7/12
16 EFGHJOR JOG J7 23 -16 206 8/9 JOE 7M 39 741 7/12
17 AFHINNU             HAUF J10 34 775 7/12
18 EFIKNRU POKER I1 23 -13 229 6/9 KEEF 12D 36 811 7/12
19 EGILRRV FIVER 13J 22 -4 251 5/9 REZ 5C 26 837 7/12
20 CGILNRU FLING 13J 18 -18 269 5/8 CRINGLES O1 36 873 7/12

Total: 269/873 or -604 for 30.81%
Rank: 6904

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