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Game sheet of McKjartney (file), Game of July 3, 2011 at 12:23

Word find
Word played
1 ?ADDEFU DEAF H7 16 -64 16 6/6 DEF(R)AUD H2 80 80 6/6
2 ADEORSZ DAZED 2H 36 -3 52 3/5 ZERDAS 9C 39 119 4/6
3 AIMORSS MORRIS E7 16 -49 68 5/6 OSSARIUM 7B 65 184 4/7
4 AEILMOS MEALS 3G 11 -79 79 8/8 DAMOISEL 8H 90 274 5/8
5 BEIRWXY BER(R)Y 5E 18 -45 97 6/7 BREY 8A 63 337 5/8
6 EHILNOO HE 3G 9 -18 106 6/6 OHO G2 27 364 5/8
7 AEILOTV TEAL N7 6 -86 112 6/6 BLOVIATE A8 92 456 5/8
8 EOOPTUY POET N6 12 -18 124 6/6 TEPOYS M3 30 486 6/8
9 AEIKNOW             KNEW L1 44 530 6/8
10 AEIORRR ROD 2F 6 -24 130 8/8 OAKIER 1J 30 560 6/9
11 AABEIIT             TAB N4 31 591 6/9
12 FGILNOR LINO O8 4 -94 134 6/6 FLOORING K5 98 689 6/9
13 AAEGJPT JIG 10J 27 -7 161 3/8 JAPE O3 34 723 6/9
14 ?EGIRTW GREW 12K 16 -66 177 5/7 TWIGG(I)ER 12G 82 805 6/9
15 AEIINUX REX N12 20 -35 197 7/9 MUX J8 55 860 6/10
16 DEGINNT WIDE H12 24 -4 221 9/9 NEIGHED 3C 28 888 6/10
17 ACNTTUU WANT H12 21 -5 242 5/8 CURAT N10 26 914 6/10
18 CEHLNUV WHEN H12 30   272 2/7       944 6/10
19 CIILQTU CUTE 14E 8 -29 280 7/7 CLIQUE 14C 37 981 6/10

Total: 280/981 or -701 for 28.54%
Rank: 4146

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