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Game sheet of SuperH (file), Game of July 3, 2011 at 21:34

Word find
Word played
1 FIORSSU             FOURS H4 24 24  
2 ?JOOORR JOUR 6F 27 -1 27 3/11 FJOR(D) 4H 28 52 8/11
3 IIOTTUX OX G5 20 -6 47 3/9 TUTRIX K1 26 78 7/11
4 CEGINTW             TWICE 1K 42 120 10/11
5 ?ADEEEN             DE(M)EANES 8A 77 197 10/12
6 DEIINSY             SNIDEY M4 31 228 10/12
7 AADELTY             DAYTALE N8 96 324 11/12
8 AAEIRTV             VARIATED A1 89 413 11/12
9 AILPRST             TRIAPSAL E5 90 503 11/14
10 ADHIMRW             HARM O12 52 555 11/14
11 GHLNOTU             LOUGH O4 51 606 12/14
12 ENPSTUZ             ZEPS D11 45 651 12/14
13 ADEIMNN             AMANDINE 2A 76 727 12/14
14 BILNOOV             LOBO 1F 34 761 12/14
15 GGINORT             OGGIN J6 22 783 13/14
16 ABCFORT             BAFT M12 38 821 13/14
17 CEINOVW             COVENT 15H 36 857 13/14
18 EEIKORU             KIORE I9 28 885 13/14

Total: 47/885 or -838 for 5.310%
Rank: -

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