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Game sheet of kellybelly (file), Game of July 4, 2011 at 11:11

Word find
Word played
1 IINPRSU             UNRIPS H8 22 22  
2 ?EHINOP             SPHENOI(D) 13H 80 102  
3 ?EFGHOZ             ZO(W)IE N10 66 168  
4 AEKLSVY             SYLVAE O6 49 217  
5 CEIINOY             YINCE N2 28 245  
6 AGILMTT             MAGI M1 27 272  
7 EIORTTW             WITTER L4 32 304  
8 EELNORS             ELOINERS 11E 82 386  
9 AAHORTU RAH 10H 29 -58 29 2/5 AUTOHARP 12A 87 473 5/6
10 DEILNOR LEND O1 41   70 1/5       514 4/7
11 DEFIMOU FOAMED A10 36   106 1/3 MEDIUM 1H   550 3/7
12 BDIORTW BROW 10G 37 -1 143 1/2 WOUBIT B10 38 588 2/7
13 ABEORTU ROBE 10H 26 -63 169 2/3 TABOURET 15B 89 677 2/7
14 ACDDNOT DRAD 10G 23 -3 192 2/3 CODA A7 26 703 2/7
15 EFIKRST KIEF K5 43 -29 235 1/2 FRISKET 2C 72 775 2/7
16 AAEFNVX (D)EX O13 29 -6 264 2/3 AXE 1A 35 810 2/7
17 AGGIJNQ QI K5 46   310 1/3       856 2/7
18 AADFGNO DRAGON D1 34 -36 344 1/3 FANDANGO 9C 70 926 2/7

Total: 344/926 or -582 for 37.14%
Rank: 7394

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