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Game sheet of miaanne (file), Game of July 7, 2011 at 04:26

Word find
Word played
1 ABEIIKM             KIBEI H4 32 32  
2 AEINNRT             ENTRAIN I6 68 100  
3 ?AIOVXY (E)XO J9 53   53 1/4       153 3/4
4 AEGIMOV AVENGE 7F 14 -14 67 3/3 MAVIE G7 28 181 3/4
5 ?CLQRSU QU(I)CKS 4D 40   107 3/3 QU(A)CKS 4D   221 2/4
6 DMNOSTU             MOUNDS F10 31 252 3/4
7 AEHSTWZ             ZESTS 15D 72 324 3/4
8 AEEEORT BERET 6H 9 -17 116 3/3 TREZ D12 26 350 3/4
9 EGGHIRT             GRITH 5B 37 387 3/4
10 AADEGPU             EUPAD E7 29 416 3/4
11 AACEINY             GYNAECIA B5 78 494 3/4
12 DELORVY             YODE A12 45 539 3/4
13 AEJLORW             JO A8 56 595 3/4
14 AHNORTU             HOUR D7 26 621 3/4
15 AADEIOR             ROADIE K5 26 647 3/4
16 AEFLLRW             DWARF 8K 48 695 3/4
17 AEFGLNP             FLANGER N2 30 725 3/4
18 AEGLNPW             PAWNAGE M7 47 772 4/4
19 EILLOST             TOLSEL 14J 30 802 4/4
20 BIILOTV             VILL O12 33 835 4/4

Total: 116/835 or -719 for 13.89%
Rank: -

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