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Game sheet of neyetifu (file), Game of July 7, 2011 at 12:49

Word find
Word played
1 ?ENORRT (S)TONER H3 12 -52 12 3/3 TORREN(T) H8 64 64 3/3
2 DEFRTUV FE I9 20 -4 32 2/3 DEF I7 24 88 2/3
3 ?AFHINO HON(E)R 11D 14 -93 46 4/4 FA(S)HION 15F 107 195 2/4
4 AELPTVY PAVE 14K 24 -24 70 3/4 PTERYLA 11E 48 243 2/4
5 AIIKLRS LARKS M11 31 -9 101 2/4 (T)AKI 14H 40 283 2/4
6 AEESTTU TEAS M12 21 -6 122 3/4 TUTEES L7 27 310 2/4
7 ACENORU CARE 12B 16 -48 138 4/5 COURANTE F5 64 374 2/5
8 BENORUV             UNROVE 14A 29 403 3/5
9 AEIILOR             OILIER 8A 21 424 3/5
10 EGNRSXY             FA(S)HIONERS 15F 45 469 3/5
11 AHINTUW             HAUT A12 33 502 3/5
12 DEGIJOS             JUDGE 8K 42 544 4/5
13 ADIOPSY             SOAPILY C3 34 578 4/5
14 ABGIMSU             SUBIMAGO A1 92 670 4/5
15 ADDITWZ             ZATI D1 52 722 4/5
16 ABEILNO             COINABLE 5F 74 796 4/5
17 DELNOQR             ZONED 1D 45 841 4/8
18 CILMVWX             XI 6J 54 895 4/9

Total: 138/895 or -757 for 15.41%
Rank: 4933

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