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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of July 11, 2011 at 08:08

Word find
Word played
1 ACNPRTU             PUNCTA H4 26 26  
2 EEMNOSU             SPUMONE 4G 22 48  
3 ACINRSS             ARCSINS N1 84 132  
4 AEFHRTV             TREFAH O7 50 182  
5 AEIOPTW             WATAP 1K 33 215  
6 AEILNSX             ALEXINS G8 71 286  
7 DEEINRV             INVERSED 14B 78 364  
8 ?DOORUU             DO(L)OUR 15H 33 397  
9 ?EEIORT             EXOTERI(C) 11F 78 475  
10 AAEGLOW             AWOL 10I 34 509  
11 EEIMNRT             TERMINATE 8A 92 601  
12 AGGILOY             YAG 12J 34 635  
13 DEGJOTV JOG K3 22 -13 22 5/8   2J 35 670 9/10
14 DDEIOTV VOTIVE D10 26 -6 48 1/7 MOVED J4 32 702 9/10
15 AEGHILQ QI B13 11 -26 59 7/7   13B 37 739 8/10
16 ADEFHIU FADS G1 10 -26 69 7/7 HEDERA F10 36 775 8/10
17 EGILTYZ GLITZY A5 19 -15 88 6/7 GEEZ B7 34 809 8/10
18 BILLOUY LIMB D6 8 -19 96 5/6 BILLYO 3B 27 836 8/10
19 ABFIKTU KILT D1 26 -16 122 5/7 KIF 2F 42 878 8/10

Total: 122/878 or -756 for 13.89%
Rank: 4985

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