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Game sheet of Biddy (file), Game of July 11, 2011 at 22:48

Word find
Word played
1 ?AFITTY             (M)ATTIFY H7 82 82  
2 CDEILMT             CLIMATED 8D 66 148  
3 EGINTUW             WEFTING 12F 28 176  
4 ADEHPRS             SCARPHED D7 82 258  
5 DEIOOUV             VOIDED 14A 30 288  
6 ALNOORS (M)AROONS 7H 16 -46 16 1/4 ORTOLANS 10F 62 350 4/5
7 AAEHLNU HALVA A11 36 -6 52 3/5 HAVE A12 42 392 4/6
8 CEEIJNR             JEE B10 31 423 4/6
9 AEKNRUV             KA C9 32 455 5/6
10 ?BIOOUU (Q)UOIT I4 7 -19 59 5/5 BE(D)U 13C 26 481 5/6
11 AENNPTT PATENTS M4 11 -21 70 4/5 PENNA A6 32 513 5/6
12 BDNORUX             UNBOX 15F 50 563 5/7
13 EGIOSTY             EGOITY 14J 35 598 5/7
14 AAIORUV             VARIA B2 26 624 5/7
15 DEILMQR             QI 13M 46 670 6/7
16 AEFLRRW             WARFARE 3A 28 698 6/7
17 DILMOUZ             MODI H1 39 737 6/7
18 NORSSTU             SYN O13 30 767 6/7
19 EGILLRT             GILLET 5G 22 789 6/7
20 CEORSUZ             COZES M1 40 829 6/8

Total: 70/829 or -759 for 8.443%
Rank: -

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