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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of July 12, 2011 at 17:10

Word find
Word played
1 AEEFRSW WAFERS H4 32   32 1/8       32 1/8
2 ?AEIMOR MORAI(N)E G5 27 -50 59 1/8     77 109 1/8
3 ABEEIKM BEAK F9 22 -11 81 2/9 BEMA I7 33 142 1/9
4 DEORTTU DOTER H11 24   105 2/9 DOTTER 11I   166 1/9
5 AFGHNOS FROSH N10 38 -21 143 2/7 FOGASH O7 59 225 1/9
6 ELRTUVY VEERY M9 30 -1 173 1/9 YOURT J10 31 256 1/10
7 AEEILNR WEANER 4H 18 -52 191 1/8 NEARLIER 13C 70 326 1/10
8 ?AEIJNV JIVE H12 66 -23 257 4/8 JAVE(L)IN N2 89 415 1/10
9 AEOPQRS OPERAS 15E 33 -10 290 1/8 PRORES N10 43 458 1/10
10 ACDESUW CAUSED 15G 42   332 2/8       500 1/10
11 ADGILOU DOG O1 27 -45 359 4/8 DIALOGUE D6 72 572 1/10
12 CEKNTYZ ZETA 8A 39 -1 398 1/7 ZEK I3 40 612 1/10
13 EGIOPTW POTE J2 39   437 2/8       651 1/10
14 BILNOTW BOW O1 38 -4 475 2/7 BLOATWARE 8A 42 693 1/10
15 AEGHINT BEATHING A8 54 -50 529 1/7     104 797 1/10
16 DIINOUV NOD O1 24   553 3/8 UNMAKE 5E   821 1/10
17 DINNOXY XI B10 52 -16 605 2/8 INDOXYL B2 68 889 1/10
18 CIILNQV QI K1 15 -9 620 4/6   A2 24 913 1/10

Total: 620/913 or -293 for 67.90%
Rank: 7531

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