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Game sheet of margalang (file), Game of July 14, 2011 at 07:28

Word find
Word played
1 DEFNORV FONDER H4 28   28 3/6 VENDOR H4   28 3/6
2 ABELOSW BOWLS 10D 29 -54 57 1/6 SOWABLE 10H 83 111 1/6
3 ?ADEGGL GLADE M9 18 -72 75 2/5 AL(L)EGGED 5E 90 201 1/6
4 CEINNST CLINTS M9 22 -48 97 2/5 ANCIENTS E5 70 271 1/6
5 ACEIRSU CUBES L8 24 -52 121 4/5 SAUCIERS 12E 76 347 1/6
6 ADFIKNO FOND 4K 27 -6 148 2/4 FAIK 4K 33 380 1/6
7 ?DIOPRT (S)PORT O4 29 -59 177 2/5 DI(S)PORT O2 88 468 2/6
8 AAIJLNO JO N6 52 -3 229 2/6 JAI N6 55 523 1/7
9 AEILMOT CALM H12 24 -6 253 3/6 MOATED 2J 30 553 1/8
10 AEHMOOR HOME 1G 31 -14 284 2/6 MAHOE 1H 45 598 1/8
11 ADNORTT CORD H12 21 -3 305 2/6 ADROIT 8A 24 622 1/8
12 EEIINPU CINE H12 18 -6 323 2/5 CEPE H12 24 646 1/8
13 EFHLRTU HUE 2F 18 -23 341 4/6 HEFTE 13G 41 687 1/9
14 EIORSTY STORY 14K 19 -19 360 4/6 STROYED B2 38 725 1/9
15 GILNORU GROIN 14K 16 -4 376 3/5 NOUN 6H 20 745 1/9
16 ABINQVZ QI A1 35 -7 411 2/6 QIBLA F2 42 787 1/9
17 INRUVWX XI A1 29   440 3/6       816 1/9
18 EILLRUV VEIL 14K 20 -9 460 3/6 DEVIL 7H 29 845 1/9
19 GILNRUW WRING 14K 24   484 1/4 WRUNG 14K   869 1/9

Total: 484/869 or -385 for 55.69%
Rank: 6656

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