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Game sheet of crazycat (file), Game of July 14, 2011 at 08:14

Word find
Word played
1 ADENOOW ENDOW H5 18 -10 18 4/4 WANDOO H4 28 28 4/4
2 ?AEENRV             OVERNEA(R) 8H 83 111 5/5
3 CDEILPR CLEAR N5 9 -67 27 5/5 PLACIDER 5F 76 187 5/5
4 ?ABRTUZ PUTZ F5 17 -46 44 5/5 ABU(Z)Z 4K 63 250 5/5
5 AEFGIRU ZAG O4 13 -61 57 6/6 ARGUFIER K7 74 324 5/6
6 DEIJMMS JIMMIE 12J 36 -24 93 3/4 JEMMIED M7 60 384 5/6
7 GOPRSTU GROPE 13G 11 -35 104 5/5 SPROG 15K 46 430 6/6
8 ABHILST BIZ O2 14 -25 118 5/5 SITZ O1 39 469 6/6
9 AEKNOSW KNOWS 1K 13 -72 131 5/5 WEAKONS 10B 85 554 6/6
10 AEINOTT KNOT E10 16 -45 147 4/5 TETANOID 7A 61 615 6/6
11 HIOSTTV HOIST A3 9 -27 156 4/4 VISTO A4 36 651 5/6
12 ELNOTUY WELT B10 7 -36 163 4/4 TONEY 11A 43 694 5/6
13 ABDEILR ENABLE C10 16 -76 179 4/4 RAILBEDS 1H 92 786 5/6
14 AEGLQRT TAG O13 4 -44 183 4/4 TALAQ D4 48 834 5/6
15 AEEFGNX TAX A11 11 -22 194 4/4 FAE 2J 33 867 5/6
16 EEHLOTX TEXT A11 12 -31 206 4/4 HEX B6 43 910 4/6
17 EGHINOR THINE A11 36 -3 242 4/5 THING A11 39 949 4/7
18 ELORUUY GLORY 15A 10 -27 252 4/6 YORE N10 37 986 4/8
19 CEILTUU GUILT 15A 7 -18 259 6/6 NICKY E7 25 1011 4/8

Total: 259/1011 or -752 for 25.61%
Rank: 3096

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