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Game sheet of ding (file), Game of July 15, 2011 at 06:15

Word find
Word played
1 ??BGRST             B(A)RG(E)ST H4 72 72  
2 AEEMNOV             OVERNAME 6E 73 145  
3 AEINRTX             TAXIMEN K2 32 177  
4 AEGITUW             WITE L3 39 216  
5 AEIIOTY             YITIE L8 33 249  
6 AAENPSS             PAESANS 13I 83 332  
7 AACDEIR             RADIANCE N8 80 412  
8 DIILOTV             IVIED 15K 39 451  
9 AHNORRT             TORAH 14F 35 486  
10 GLNORUW             LUNGWORT 10A 66 552  
11 EFIJLOR             FRIJOLE O2 110 662  
12 ALMNOQS             MONS M1 34 696  
13 CEEILRU             CERULEIN C3 74 770  
14 EFKLNOY             FOLKY A8 57 827  
15 AADEGPU             GAPED 15E 45 872  
16 ABEHLNO GABLE D10 16 -21 16 5/7 HOGEN D8 37 909 9/9
17 ABDETUZ ZO F9 11 -37 27 8/9 TREZ 5B 48 957 9/9
18 ABDOQUU             QAT 10J 32 989 9/9

Total: 27/989 or -962 for 2.730%
Rank: -

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