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Game sheet of worsie (file), Game of July 16, 2011 at 22:00

Word find
Word played
1 ?CEINOU (P)OUNCE H8 20 -52 20 3/6 NOU(R)ICE H7 72 72 3/6
2 EIILNTY NINETY 7H 14 -14 34 3/5 LENITY G4 28 100 3/7
3 ADDEGRS CADGERS 12H 22 -61 56 3/5 GADDERS 14B 83 183 3/7
4 ?ABENOS BONE 15A 30 -56 86 2/4 OBEISAN(T) 11E 86 269 3/7
5 AEEILMW AWE 12D 21 -12 107 3/5 WILE 15A 33 302 2/7
6 EMNOPRS POEMS 5E 18 -56 125 4/4 PROSEMEN 5A 74 376 2/8
7 DEHIOTZ ZOO C3 24 -40 149 6/6 (R)IZ 10H 64 440 2/9
8 AEEFKPR PEEK A5 30 -39 179 3/7 FOREPEAK C4 69 509 2/9
9 AEFIMOU MOPE 8A 27 -12 206 3/6 FAMULI 4C 39 548 2/9
10 DELNORT PONDER A5 27 -6 233 4/5 DROPLET A2 33 581 2/9
11 AEIJNST JES(T) L8 18 -78 251 5/6 JAN(T)IEST L8 96 677 3/9
12 AAGHIRT THAT 15L 21 -17 272 4/5 DARGAH 2A 38 715 3/9
13 BEHIOTU JIBE 8L 39 -3 311 3/4 JEHU 8L 42 757 3/9
14 ABFGNUY FEY M7 26 -16 337 3/4 BUNGY 1E 42 799 3/9
15 AEIOOTV VET M7 14 -18 351 3/5 VISTO 14J 32 831 3/9
16 EFIORTX TEXT 15L 44 -1 395 1/6 ORIFEX M4 45 876 3/9
17 AADETTW TAWT 15L 28 -12 423 3/6 TAWED N2 40 916 3/9
18 ACILOTV VOLT O1 35 -12 458 3/6 CLAVI L1 47 963 3/9

Total: 458/963 or -505 for 47.55%
Rank: 5409

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