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Game sheet of pickrose (file), Game of July 16, 2011 at 22:44

Word find
Word played
1 ?DINRTW TWIN(E) H4 16 -10 16 3/3 WIND(E)R H4 26 26 3/3
2 DEIMPRT PRIMED 5F 22 -18 38 2/3 TIMIDER 5E 40 66 2/3
3 DEJNOTV JIVED F4 24 -12 62 1/3 JETON 6B 36 102 2/3
4 CIMNPSU JUMPS B6 18 -13 80 3/3 MUSIC 10F 31 133 2/3
5 ?AAENPU             PAENU(L)A(E) 8A 77 210 3/3
6 EEGHILS             HELES 6J 33 243 3/3
7 EHIILNO             HELIO 4J 28 271 3/3
8 DEILORX             DEX 3K 47 318 3/3
9 AEIKOSY             YOKS O1 46 364 3/3
10 AAFGNRU             AFAR 9B 26 390 3/3
11 ABDEOOR             LABORED L6 26 416 3/3
12 AEFGIRS             OSSIFRAGE N4 65 481 3/3
13 ACEIOTT             TIETAC O10 35 516 3/3
14 GILNOUW             WONGI K11 31 547 3/3
15 AILLNTV             VANILLIC 15H 42 589 3/3
16 AEGPTUZ             UPGAZE 11A 40 629 3/3
17 EINOOQT             QUEINT A10 48 677 3/3
18 BOORTVY             OY O7 41 718 3/3
19 BOORTUV             BOUT 12D 36 754 3/4

Total: 80/754 or -674 for 10.61%
Rank: -

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