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Game sheet of spellcheck (file), Game of July 20, 2011 at 17:51

Word find
Word played
1 ?AINOTU NOU(G)AT H3 12 -52 12 4/8 OUT(G)AIN H8 64 64 4/8
2 HOOOPST SHIP 13F 16 -50 28 7/8 PHOTOS 15C 66 130 7/8
3 ?AADEKT KN(O)T 14G 15 -53 43 5/7 ATTA(S)KED 10G 68 198 7/8
4 EMNORRT (S)TORM K10 12 -15 55 6/7 TOME 11K 27 225 7/8
5 DGIOQST KOIS L10 16 -16 71 5/6 SOG 12L 32 257 7/8
6 ADEEILU ALOUD 8F 6 -15 77 7/7 DUAL 14B 21 278 7/8
7 BGILNRU LEMON M9 16 -56 93 4/6 BURGLIN(G) 11A 72 350 6/8
8 ACEIORT CARBO A8 30 -40 123 2/6 EROTICAL E4 70 420 6/8
9 BEMNOPW WOMEN 6D 16 -28 139 7/7 BOWMEN D1 44 464 6/8
10 AEEIQRS BEARS 1D 21 -16 160 6/7 QIS 13A 37 501 6/8
11 EEGINRX             EX F5 54 555 6/8
12 AACINRT             ANTICAR I2 63 618 6/8
13 EGLNNOW             WONGI 8A 33 651 6/8
14 EILRSVY             IVORY 2B 38 689 7/8
15 AAEFIJN             JAI H1 34 723 7/8
16 AEFLRSZ             FILAZERS 5H 90 813 7/8
17 DDEHIUV             HIVES O1 36 849 7/9
18 EFILNPY             FINELY M2 32 881 7/9
19 DEEEEPR             PERMED 4A 25 906 7/9

Total: 160/906 or -746 for 17.66%
Rank: 3461

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