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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of July 20, 2011 at 21:39

Word find
Word played
1 ADEPSUY             YAUPED H4 32 32  
2 ADEHLST             DALETHS I8 73 105  
3 EFGIPST             GIFTEES 11E 44 149  
4 ?BEINRS             BRIS(K)ENED 8A 86 235  
5 GLOOPTW             PO 10F 25 260  
6 ACEILOR             BRACIOLE A8 89 349  
7 ABEGINT             BEATINGS D1 78 427  
8 AEINTWZ             BWAZI 1D 57 484  
9 DEFLORV             FLAVORED 5F 80 564  
10 AAHLOOT             HOOT 2F 41 605  
11 AEINORS             ERASION 3I 69 674  
12 ALMNOTW WANT O1 24 -11 24 3/7 TAMAL 3C 35 709 9/9
13 ?IKMNNO MONK O1 45 -51 69 6/7 MISKNO(W)N 14G 96 805 9/9
14 AEETVWY WENT O1 24 -21 93 5/6 WEET 15L 45 850 9/9
15 AADERUY RANDY O1 33 -10 126 4/6 RAYED 15D 43 893 9/9
16 GIJNORU JONG O1 42 -3 168 1/6 GJU 2M 45 938 7/9
17 EIIRUVX OX J5 25 -28 193 3/6 REX B8 53 991 7/9
18 ACIINOQ COW L13 8 -25 201 7/7 NUNCIO O1 33 1024 7/10
19 AIQRUUV UVA 13K 27 -5 228 2/6 QUA 12D 32 1056 6/10

Total: 228/1056 or -828 for 21.59%
Rank: 6182

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