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Game sheet of jlslas (file), Game of July 24, 2011 at 03:09

Word find
Word played
1 BBEGORT BORT H8 12 -14 12 3/4 GOBBET H4 26 26 3/4
2 ?AHILMW LAT(E) 9F 4 -65 16 6/6 LIMEWA(S)H 8E 69 95 6/6
3 ?AEEIOT HAI(L) L8 6 -72 22 6/6 E(T)IOLATE E4 78 173 6/6
4 AADGRTY TRY 10E 8 -32 30 6/7 DAY(S)TAR K5 40 213 6/7
5 AHIINOS RAINS 11K 5 -32 35 8/8 HOISIN 12H 37 250 6/8
6 ACEIQRU RACE 4B 12 -81 47 7/7 ACQUIRE 13B 93 343 8/8
7 DEINOOT DINE M10 10 -19 57 7/7 NODE I11 29 372 8/8
8 AGGNORT AT B13 4 -26 61 7/7 NEGATOR 14H 30 402 8/8
9 ELNNORS ROLES 4B 10 -85 71 7/7 RONNELS 15B 95 497 8/8
10 DFINSTU FINES 4B 16 -26 87 7/7 FIST O12 42 539 7/8
11 AEEOPRU PORT 10B 12 -14 99 6/6 RUPEE 3C 26 565 7/8
12 AAFNOOS FANS 10J 15 -27 114 7/8 FOISON F6 42 607 7/9
13 ADGIUVY RAG C3 4 -27 118 6/6 YAGI 2F 31 638 7/9
14 CDEILOV CADE 10J 13 -39 131 5/6 VOICED 1A 52 690 7/9
15 AELMUWX VALE A1 8 -43 139 6/6 AXLE 1H 51 741 7/9
16 AEIKLMV DIKE 5K 9 -36 148 6/7 MAIK J7 45 786 8/9
17 ADEJRVW             DRAVE L1 40 826 8/9
18 EJLPTUW             JETE 4B 28 854 8/9

Total: 148/854 or -706 for 17.33%
Rank: 2236

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