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Game sheet of jeff (file), Game of August 1, 2011 at 07:50

Word find
Word played
1 ??BIRSV BR(A)V(E)S H4 24 -54 24 2/3 VIBR(I)(O)S H4 78 78 2/3
2 DHIIORS SHIR I8 22 -44 46 1/3 HIDROSIS 10A 66 144 1/3
3 AAELNOR RAH A8 18 -12 64 1/3 ENHALO A8 30 174 1/3
4 EEFLNTW             REFLEW D10 32 206 2/3
5 AGILMPU             PLAGIUM B2 82 288 3/3
6 ACNORST             OSTRACON E4 94 382 3/4
7 AEIJLTT             WILTJA 15D 48 430 3/4
8 AFKMNNO             FOAM A1 49 479 4/5
9 DEGINOW             ENHALOED A8 36 515 5/5
10 ACEIPTY             PACY D1 38 553 5/5
11 ADEEGII             PAGED 1D 27 580 5/5
12 EINNOQS             QIS J13 31 611 5/5
13 ABKRTTU             QUARK 13J 36 647 5/5
14 AENORRU             AUROREAN L7 68 715 5/5
15 BEEINTV             VENITE M2 23 738 5/5
16 BDEGINW             WINKED N10 44 782 5/5
17 BEGNOUZ             BONZE O6 53 835 5/5
18 EEGHOTT             GOETHITE G5 86 921 5/5

Total: 64/921 or -857 for 6.948%
Rank: -

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