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Game sheet of nderera (file), Game of August 3, 2011 at 16:12

Word find
Word played
1 ?BCELNY             BENC(H)Y H7 32 32  
2 AAILNSU             INYALAS 12F 20 52  
3 DELNRTU             DENTURAL K6 68 120  
4 AEIPPTT             APPETITE 8A 89 209  
5 ADKNORS             NARKS 8K 30 239  
6 ?AGOOWW             WOW(S) J5 30 269  
7 DEGJORS JOKERS N6 35 -2 35 5/6 JOKED N6 37 306 7/8
8 CDEORSS SCORED L1 25 -38 60 2/7 SARCODES A7 63 369 7/8
9 BFIRTUY PURITY C8 24 -36 84 3/7 BRUTIFY E5 60 429 6/8
10 AAEGIOT GALEA J10 23 -4 107 1/7 GALIOT 13I 27 456 6/8
11 AAHILRU HI 14M 19 -18 126 5/6 HUIA B10 37 493 6/8
12 AEEMNOV VOES O5 18 -21 144 4/5 VENOM 14F 39 532 6/8
13 EEGNOTV TOGE 15G 35   179 1/6       567 5/8
14 AADEILO LOADS O4 19 -17 198 1/5 ALODIA O1 36 603 5/8
15 EGILNRR GRIND 4K 14 -11 212 2/5 RENIG C11 25 628 5/8
16 AEFILNX FAX 14M 35 -23 247 2/7 XENIAL 2J 58 686 5/10
17 EHIMOTV MOTIVE 1E 42   289 1/8       728 5/10
18 EEFHLQU             FEH 2D 34 762 5/10

Total: 289/762 or -473 for 37.92%
Rank: 6599

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