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Game sheet of Gypsylady (file), Game of August 3, 2011 at 20:40

Word find
Word played
1 ACDEKXY CAKEY H4 34 -6 34 3/9 YACKED H4 40 40 3/9
2 EFIORST FOISTER I8 21 -50 55 5/11     71 111 3/11
3 ?AEMNOO MOON(S) 15E 28 -48 83 5/12 AE(R)ONOMY 4A 76 187 2/13
4 AMOSSUY MOSSY 15F 41   124 1/13 MOUSY 15F   228 2/14
5 ABDEIJT BAITED A3 27 -10 151 7/11 JEAT 3A 37 265 2/15
6 ?ADEORR RAJA A1 33 -53 184 6/11 REFOR(M)ADE 8G 86 351 3/15
7 DEGLOUU             ROGUED 14I 27 378 5/15
8 ABEILRT JAILER A3 39 -44 223 3/10 LIBERATE O1 83 461 4/15
9 EGHILPU HIDE N6 31 -24 254 8/10 PLEUGH 14A 55 516 4/15
10 ADFLSTU FLAPS A11 33 -43 287 5/11 SULFATED C8 76 592 4/15
11 EIINORV ROPE A12 21 -73 308 9/10 REVISION 11E 94 686 4/15
12 ACEILPZ ZED N6 66 -4 374 2/10 AZIDE N5 70 756 4/15
13 CEEGNRS CREEPS A10 33 -12 407 4/9 JAEGERS A3 45 801 3/15
14 ACILOWW CLAW 12A 24 -13 431 8/10 WAWA M7 37 838 3/16
15 ABILNOX OXEN F9 27 -25 458 8/10 BOLIX 12K 52 890 3/16
16 ACINNNT AID 15A 26 -7 484 3/10 CAPI A12 33 923 3/16
17 HIINPTT HIP 15M 32 -3 516 5/9 THIN 15L 35 958 2/16
18 INNPQTV QI 2N 22 -8 538 9/11 QINTAR 5J 30 988 2/17

Total: 538/988 or -450 for 54.45%
Rank: 6233

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