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Game sheet of nderera (file), Game of August 4, 2011 at 18:30

Word find
Word played
1 DEEHNPS             PHESED H3 32 32  
2 ABORSUY BAYOUS G5 34 -14 34 1/7 ROSEBAY 5E 48 80 5/7
3 DEGNOTU NOSED 6F 29 -41 63 1/6 TRUDGEON E4 70 150 4/7
4 EHLOOWY WHEY D9 38 -7 101 3/8 HOOEY 6J 45 195 4/8
5 ?DEMUUV MU(S)ED O4 41   142 1/9       236 1/9
6 AAEELOW AWEEL F9 33   175 1/8       269 1/9
7 ?BGIIRT BRI(S)E 12B 22 -54 197 1/8 ORBITI(N)G L6 76 345 1/9
8 AEIRTVX AXE K10 41 -11 238 5/9 EAUX 6C 52 397 1/10
9 AAAIMNR MARINA D10 29   267 1/8 MANAIA D10   426 1/10
10 AIINRST RATS G7 25 -97 292 1/9 INTARSIA 15A 122 548 1/10
11 ACLORTV TALC 14G 16 -60 308 5/8 VORTICAL 11H 76 624 1/10
12 CIJNORU JA N10 25 -17 333 7/9 JINGO 13I 42 666 2/10
13 EGILNTV VILE N1 18 -9 351 7/8 LEVIN O11 27 693 2/10
14 AEIORSZ ZA N10 31 -40 382 6/8   10N 71 764 3/10
15 DEFORSW FED C11 29 -11 411 2/8 DOF 14H 40 804 3/10
16 CEGIKST KI N14 26 -13 437 4/8 SKEGG 8A 39 843 1/10
17 CEILRTU CURE D1 22 -61 459 2/9 UTRICLES A1 83 926 1/11
18 EINPQRU QI N14 46   505 2/8       972 1/12
19 ELNOPTU POLE D1 22 -6 527 4/8 PLUTON B10 28 1000 1/12

Total: 527/1000 or -473 for 52.70%
Rank: 6444

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