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Game sheet of mj880 (file), Game of August 5, 2011 at 09:47

Word find
Word played
1 ?APPSVW             P(A)PAWS H8 32 32  
2 AHIQRSV             VIHARAS 11E 52 84  
3 EGNOTTU             GUP 10F 22 106  
4 ?AEIOWX             (R)EWAX I5 46 152  
5 EGJLORT             JOLTER 10J 58 210  
6 AAEINSU ES 11M 6 -18 6 1/2 NAUSEA H1 24 234 3/3
7 DEIKNST KINDERS O5 36 -12 42 2/2 TINKE(R)ED 5D 48 282 3/3
8 EILLNRS SIRE O8 12 -11 54 2/2 REINS 12J 23 305 3/4
9 AEIORTU TAO 13L 14 -56 68 1/2 OUTRAISE 13B 70 375 2/4
10 ADEEORT ADORE O7 18 -9 86 1/1 TREADER O4 27 402 2/4
11 ADHLORU HAO N6 32   118 1/2       434 2/4
12 GIILNOT GLINT M2 18 -54 136 1/2 TOILING 14I 72 506 2/4
13 ACILMOO OM 14A 16 -18 152 1/1 CLOAM 15F 34 540 2/4
14 EILNOTV VINT M3 20 -56 172 1/2 INVOLUTE 3C 76 616 2/4
15 DDEFIOY YEA 2F 29 -15 201 1/1 DEIFY 6B 44 660 1/4
16 DEGIMOY             GEOMYOID B8 84 744 1/5
17 BFNOQRU             BUFO A7 43 787 1/5
18 BCENQRZ             ZEA 2F 65 852 1/6

Total: 201/852 or -651 for 23.59%
Rank: 5030

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