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Game sheet of neyetifu (file), Game of August 5, 2011 at 16:44

Word find
Word played
1 EHIKORT             KITHE H4 34 34  
2 AEFILOS             FOLIATES 6C 65 99  
3 AENOSTW SWEAT 9H 25 -6 25 1/4 WHATSO 7G 31 130 3/4
4 ?AEIRSU SEER 8F 13 -61 38 3/3 AUR(I)FIES C2 74 204 3/4
5 DEGNOPR DEEP 8A 30 -41 68 2/4 PRONGED B7 71 275 3/4
6 ABELOOV BOLE A12 37 -15 105 2/3 ABOVE A11 52 327 3/4
7 DEILOWY WILD 8L 45 -23 150 2/3 YOWLED 8J 68 395 3/4
8 ?HIIQRU QUE(E)R N6 35 -17 185 1/3 QUR(S)H 4A 52 447 3/4
9 ADELMNU DEAL C12 24 -27 209 2/2 MANQUE A1 51 498 3/4
10 AEGLNRS GEAR C12 24 -59 233 3/3 DANGLERS O8 83 581 3/4
11 BCDEGIT CIDE 6L 19 -18 252 4/4 CEBID D8 37 618 3/4
12 ADEIINR RIDE 9F 21 -49 273 2/3 DEAIRING 11H 70 688 2/4
13 IILMOPR OP 10I 22 -9 295 3/4 ROMP 10G 31 719 2/4
14 ANOTUYZ ZO I3 27 -14 322 3/3 TOUZY E11 41 760 2/4
15 EGILNOV GLOVER 14J 28 -20 350 4/4 VYING 15D 48 808 3/4
16 AEJNRTX             RETAX L11 40 848 3/4
17 ACFIORT             IFTAR F8 28 876 3/4
18 CEIJNOT             CONJEE N3 31 907 3/4

Total: 350/907 or -557 for 38.58%
Rank: 5365

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