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Game sheet of tonikay (file), Game of August 7, 2011 at 01:46

Word find
Word played
1 ?EGIJOS             JI(N)GOES H4 94 94  
2 ?AEGNOT             ON(S)TAGE I7 68 162  
3 AAILNOV             NOVALIA J1 68 230  
4 AEFGIRT             FRIGATE K7 80 310  
5 CELMOPR             CREPON 1E 30 340  
6 DDELNOS             NODDLES L1 79 419  
7 EIIORSU             OSIER 14J 26 445  
8 DEIIPSV             VISE O12 39 484  
9 AEEHMNR             AHEM H12 39 523  
10 AAELOTT LAST 10F 6 -14 6 2/2 TATIE L11 20 543 3/3
11 AINOTWY WAG 12G 7 -23 13 3/3 NOWY 1L 30 573 3/5
12 EIMQRUZ QI G5 23 -12 36 2/3 MIZE(N) 6D 35 608 3/5
13 ACILTUU             ACTIVISE O8 39 647 3/6
14 ADDEINU             WINDED N1 30 677 3/6
15 ABHOPRT             OPAH 5B 32 709 4/7
16 ABLNTUW             TUBAL 4B 40 749 5/7
17 BENQRRU             TOQUE B4 34 783 5/7
18 FLNRRUY             FURRY A8 60 843 7/8
19 IKLNRUX             YUNX 12A 28 871 7/8
20 BIKLNRW             WRINKLE 14B 48 919 7/8

Total: 36/919 or -883 for 3.917%
Rank: -

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