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Game sheet of dragons11 (file), Game of August 9, 2011 at 07:27

Word find
Word played
1 AEGMPTT PAGE H5 14 -6 14 3/3 PATTE H4 20 20 3/3
2 ?AEFLOW FLOWE(D) 9C 23 -57 37 1/3 PEAFOWL(S) 4H 80 100 2/3
3 DDEEORR ERODED 9G 18 -84 55 3/5 FODDERER K4 102 202 3/5
4 AEILNPV VIE(S) O1 18 -12 73 3/5 (S)PAVIE O4 30 232 3/6
5 AEELOST STEAL 12K 26 -46 99 3/6 OLEATES 12E 72 304 2/7
6 ?AGINRS SARG(E) H11 15 -66 114 4/5 S(E)RINGA 13C 81 385 3/7
7 DEGINOZ ZIT 6F 32 -20 146 5/6 ZONED 14B 52 437 3/7
8 AGILNOY YAG 15A 36 -13 182 3/6 YANG 15A 49 486 3/7
9 AGILOQU QUIT 6E 15 -36 197 4/4 QUAGGA H10 51 537 3/7
10 ACIINST TIS 10M 16 -67 213 4/5 ANTICISE 8A 83 620 3/7
11 ABCELOU COWAL M2 20 -56 233 4/5 BLUECOAT C1 76 696 4/7
12 DEHHMOO BOOHED 1C 39   272 1/6       735 4/7
13 EILNRSY YES 9A 28 -39 300 2/4 SNAILERY 15F 67 802 4/7
14 INORTUW             ROW J8 31 833 4/7
15 EFIJNRV             JEER 4A 38 871 4/7
16 BFHINTU             FLUB N3 29 900 4/7
17 IMMNTUX             MINX 2G 36 936 4/7
18 HIIMTTU THY M13 18 -10 318 4/5 HIM 11C 28 964 4/7
19 IIKTTUV KITTY M11 24   342 1/6       988 4/8

Total: 342/988 or -646 for 34.61%
Rank: 4979

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