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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of August 11, 2011 at 04:25

Word find
Word played
1 ADEEGGN ENGAGED H2 74   74 1/1   H8   74 1/1
2 AEEEFTW WAFTED 14C 15 -15 89 1/1 FAW G11 30 104 1/1
3 ?AEIILY (D)AILY G4 13 -22 102 1/1 (B)AYE I11 35 139 1/1
4 EEINSSU ENSUES J6 16 -5 118 1/1 SEE J13 21 160 1/1
5 CGILPRU PURGE 8D 11 -9 129 2/2 FA(B)RIC 11G 20 180 1/2
6 ?FIJLPS JE(E)PS 8G 13 -24 142 2/2 F(U)JIS M7 37 217 1/2
7 ACINOTT CONTAIN 9B 11 -72 153 1/2 TACONITE 8A 83 300 1/2
8 AAGOQRS             AQ(U)AS 8K 69 369 1/2
9 DDKOSUW             COWKS L11 30 399 1/2
10 AEGHNTU             UNTEACH C3 34 433 1/2
11 AAEILNR             AURELIAN 3B 60 493 1/2
12 BEILOTY             BLAY H1 39 532 1/2
13 DDEIOUU             DINED 4A 27 559 1/2
14 ILORTUX             LUX 2H 28 587 1/3
15 EEILOOR             ORIOLE 1J 30 617 1/4
16 BEGMORT             GOMBRO D7 32 649 1/4
17 HIIMNOR             HOM 5E 30 679 1/4
18 EINNOPT             PONTINE 6F 81 760 1/4
19 DEEITTU             DUETTI 5J 23 783 1/4
20 ELOPRVZ             ZEP C12 39 822 1/4
21 ILORRUV             VIZOR 12A 21 843 2/4

Total: 153/843 or -690 for 18.14%
Rank: 5237

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