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Game sheet of mazscot (file), Game of August 11, 2011 at 15:14

Word find
Word played
1 ACDELOW CLAWED H4 30 -2 30 2/3 DECLAW H7 32 32 2/3
2 AEGLPST STAPLE 13H 31 -5 61 3/3 PALATES 11E 36 68 2/4
3 AILMNOU MAIL 12C 18 -52 79 3/4 LAMINOUS K4 70 138 2/5
4 ABGIORR GRAB 12C 22 -4 101 1/4 BRIAR L1 26 164 2/5
5 AEILNRU UNREAL 12A 20 -60 121 1/5 RUINABLE 1G 80 244 1/6
6 ?IJTTUW TWI(S)T 13E 21 -18 142 4/6 WI(L)TJA F6 39 283 2/7
7 AEHKSTX             TEXAS 12B 44 327 3/9
8 DFHIIOR HERD C11 16 -23 158 5/7 HID 13C 39 366 3/9
9 ?EFISTY FEY 11A 20 -72 178 3/6 EYE(L)IFTS N1 92 458 3/9
10 ADDEHOS SHADED 13H 43 -11 221 3/7 HODADS O8 54 512 3/9
11 AEEIORV OVARIES 13I 22 -5 243 1/6 REVEA(L) 8A 27 539 3/9
12 EEGORTU GROUTS 13J 14 -8 257 3/5 TOGAE E5 22 561 3/9
13 EEGINRU GREEN D2 20 -28 277 2/6 DECLAWING H7 48 609 3/9
14 EEFORUZ FROZE 2C 39 -5 316 1/5 FORZE D1 44 653 3/9
15 ACINNOT             ACTINON M8 80 733 3/10
16 EIOPUVY             POOVY 2B 42 775 3/10
17 GIMNOQU QUIN 14J 33 -35 349 6/7 QUINO 14J 68 843 3/10
18 EEGMNRU             EMUNGE J6 36 879 3/10

Total: 349/879 or -530 for 39.70%
Rank: 5966

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