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Game sheet of rn.roselle (file), Game of August 12, 2011 at 12:32

Word find
Word played
1 AEENORS SNORE H4 12 -54 12 3/4 ARENOSE H7 66 66 3/4
2 ?EIKRSV (L)IKER G5 30 -76 42 1/3 I(N)VOKERS 11E 106 172 1/4
3 DEMOTTU MOE 10J 25 -7 67 3/4 MOVED G9 32 204 1/4
4 BEIISUY YU 10J 28 -3 95 2/4 BYES I6 31 235 1/4
5 DEIMNRT MINED 12A 25 -36 120 2/4 DIRIMENT E8 61 296 1/4
6 ?GIRTWY W(E) 10J 26 -22 146 3/4 WYTI(N)G 15C 48 344 1/4
7 ACEFHPZ HAZED 8A 57   203 2/5       401 1/5
8 AILPTTV PAIL 10J 26 -2 229 1/5 PAVE J8 28 429 1/6
9 ACEEJOR RAJ G5 39 -5 268 1/5 JORAM 12A 44 473 1/7
10 CILNNOO JOCO A12 39 -6 307 2/5 COJOIN A10 45 518 1/7
11 GILORSU GO 9B 19 -8 326 2/4 GUIROS K4 27 545 1/7
12 ACDENTW DE 12J 16 -16 342 3/5 TWANGED 4G 32 577 2/8
13 AACEELN CLAW H1 27 -46 369 1/5 ANELACE 3A 73 650 2/8
14 ABHINQT BAH 2A 29 -4 398 1/4 BANI 4A 33 683 2/8
15 AIOOPTT PAT 3L 20 -6 418 2/7 TAP 2A 26 709 2/11
16 EILORTT REOIL 12J 26 -58 444 1/5 TORTILE 1B 84 793 2/11
17 DEHILOT HOOD B10 36 -42 480 1/5 LITHOED 2H 78 871 2/11
18 FGILQUX QUAG B6 34 -13 514 3/5 FIX 1M 47 918 1/11
19 FGLQUUU QUAG B6 34   548 2/5       952 1/11

Total: 548/952 or -404 for 57.56%
Rank: 6577

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