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Game sheet of iwhist (file), Game of August 13, 2011 at 13:15

Word find
Word played
1 AEINOWY WINEY H4 30   30 1/5 YOWIE H4   30 1/5
2 ??DIMNO DOM(E)(S) I3 22 -64 52 2/5 I(S)(O)DOMON 5D 86 116 1/5
3 EENORTU TOME I3 17 -45 69 2/5 EURONOTE J2 62 178 2/5
4 DEGIKNR REEKING 2I 24 -19 93 3/4 KINGED 4A 43 221 2/5
5 ABLNORV             KOBAN A4 33 254 4/5
6 EEHIRSV             SHRIEVE I8 83 337 5/5
7 DENOPSX             EXPENDS 14I 66 403 5/5
8 CEHLOTT             CLOTHES O8 48 451 5/6
9 AEGIOTZ             ZEA N10 70 521 6/7
10 AIMORTT             TIMARIOT 11D 90 611 6/7
11 AFILRSW             FRAILS 15D 53 664 7/7
12 AABERTU             ABATURE B6 75 739 7/7
13 DEGIOTU             DEGOUT 14A 31 770 7/7
14 CEGINRS             GENERICS 2G 72 842 7/7
15 AILLOQV             QI 3B 37 879 7/7
16 ALLOUVY             AYU 1G 38 917 7/7
17 AALLPVW             PAWL M9 36 953 7/7
18 AFIJLOV             FIDO A12 45 998 7/7

Total: 93/998 or -905 for 9.318%
Rank: -

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