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Game sheet of piyaya (file), Game of August 15, 2011 at 10:45

Word find
Word played
1 ACILNSU CLANS H4 20 -54 20 1/5 UNCIALS H2 74 74 1/5
2 ADEGKLN CLANKED 4H 28 -20 48 1/5 KNAIDEL 5E 48 122 1/5
3 DEEIOOV DOVE 6J 21 -4 69 2/5 DOVIE 6B 25 147 1/6
4 AAEFGOS FOGS 6J 31   100 1/3 FAGS 6J   178 1/6
5 ?EHJRRT EH 7B 21 -9 121 4/7 HEJR(A)S M1 30 208 1/8
6 AIPSTUW WHIP 1L 48   169 1/7 WHAP 1L   256 1/8
7 AIINRST ERA 2M 14 -60 183 2/7 VITRAINS D6 74 330 1/8
8 EEGINRU GREEN 2J 29 -57 212 1/7 PUREEING O1 86 416 1/8
9 ?ELOOOR ROOTLE 8A 18 -42 230 3/7 (W)OODLORE B3 60 476 1/8
10 AMNORTU MOOT 8A 18 -25 248 6/7 MATRON A8 43 519 1/8
11 AADOSTT TOADS A1 32 -31 280 4/8 TOSTADA I8 63 582 1/9
12 BEIMOUZ ZO H12 45 -64 325 3/8 ZIMB H12 109 691 1/9
13 EEGIIOP PEG J12 38   363 3/8       729 1/9
14 EEFITVW WIDE 13G 12 -16 375 8/8 FETE E11 28 757 1/9
15 BERUWXY WEX C2 37 -13 412 4/7 XU F14 50 807 2/9
16 DEIINOR OD A3 11 -54 423 6/7 RESINOID 10G 65 872 2/9
17 ABILUWY BLAY A1 49   472 2/7       921 1/9
18 EHIOTUY HOOTY L8 30 -12 502 1/6 ZAPTIEH 12H 42 963 1/10
19 CEOQUWY QI M9 21 -10 523 5/8 YEW C2 31 994 1/10

Total: 523/994 or -471 for 52.61%
Rank: 5940

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