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Game sheet of poetb.7 (file), Game of August 21, 2011 at 13:02

Word find
Word played
1 EKLORST TOKERS H8 22 -8 22 4/4 STROKE H8 30 30 4/4
2 ?ACEIRT SCR(E)ET 8H 8 -81 30 4/4 RACIE(S)T 14H 89 119 4/4
3 AFHILOT FAITH N11 11 -39 41 4/4 THIOL 15K 50 169 4/4
4 AEIMOPT MET 13G 12 -58 53 3/4 POEMATIC J7 70 239 4/4
5 ?AEIIVZ MAIZE 10J 18 -78 71 4/4 AVIZE(S) 15C 96 335 4/4
6 ACEELMN ACE 11J 10 -22 81 4/4 ENEMA K7 32 367 4/4
7 ADEORTX TAXI E12 11 -90 92 3/4 EXTRADOS 8A 101 468 4/4
8 ENPQSUY QUEENY A5 18 -29 110 4/4 QUEYNS L3 47 515 4/4
9 ABDGNSU SQUAD 3K 30 -2 140 3/4 SQUAB 3K 32 547 4/4
10 AAEIILN LIB O1 15 -15 155 2/4 ABELIAN O2 30 577 4/4
11 GNOOSUW WOX B6 21 -5 176 3/4 GNOWS N6 26 603 4/4
12 DEIJNOP POD F6 12 -34 188 4/4 JAP N2 46 649 4/4
13 DEGRUVY YEAR E6 7 -19 195 4/4 GYVED 5I 26 675 4/4
14 CEGILRU CAGER E7 16 -8 211 4/4 GRIECE 13C 24 699 4/4
15 BFIILRT FIX B6 21 -5 232 4/4 FIB 7E 26 725 4/4
16 DEINORW WIDEN F6 19 -48 251 4/5 WINDORE 2E 67 792 4/5
17 FILNORU WOLF E2 20 -66 271 5/5 FLUORINE A1 86 878 4/5
18 ADEHLOT EX B7 11 -52 282 5/5 HALOED 1D 63 941 4/5

Total: 282/941 or -659 for 29.96%
Rank: 3969

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