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Game sheet of raggedy01 (file), Game of August 27, 2011 at 03:09

Word find
Word played
1 DEELNRZ REZ H8 24 -28 24 5/7 DZEREN H3 52 52 5/7
2 AAEKLNQ ALE I4 18 -8 42 5/6 KAAL I2 26 78 4/7
3 ?EOSTUY OYES J1 48 -13 90 2/7 YOUN(G)EST 8E 61 139 3/7
4 AFGIINO FANG J1 35   125 2/6       174 2/7
5 ?AEGLSV SAVES K4 30 -48 155 3/5 SAV(A)GELY E1 78 252 2/7
6 AENORUV SAVE 1E 21 -27 176 5/6 FAVOUR 1J 48 300 4/7
7 ADIJNOR JAR D4 41 -4 217 2/6 JIRDS 1A 45 345 3/7
8 AEHINOT ONE 2A 21 -53 238 6/6 THIONATE L8 74 419 4/7
9 DENORTT DENOTE 15G 21 -51 259 4/6 INTORTED B1 72 491 4/7
10 EGINOPW JOIN A1 19 -30 278 6/6 POWNIE A7 49 540 4/7
11 EFGIMNT FEEING 15J 30 -9 308 6/7 FIGMENT 15H 39 579 4/8
12 AEEOSUW WOES O12 75   383 6/6 WEES O12   654 4/8
13 ABCHLOR ORT N13 12 -26 395 6/6 BORSCH K5 38 692 4/8
14 ADEEIOP PIED 14F 21 -41 416 6/6 OEDIPEAN 12E 62 754 5/8
15 BILMOTX BOX F4 59   475 5/7 MIX F4   813 5/9
16 ALLOQST QAT N11 19 -9 494 6/9   11C 28 841 5/10
17 ABCILRY BAY 13C 22 -11 516 6/8 LYCRA 13C 33 874 5/10
18 IIILOSU SO L4 8 -14 524 6/6 SI 9H 22 896 5/10
19 BEILOUU LOB N11 14 -9 538 6/6 BEE J6 23 919 5/10

Total: 538/919 or -381 for 58.54%
Rank: 5987

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