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Game sheet of paulineasb (file), Game of August 27, 2011 at 20:53

Word find
Word played
1 ABEFILN FABLE H7 20 -62 20 3/3 FINABLE H4 82 82 3/3
2 ABELMOR FABLER 4H 22 -60 42 3/3 FORMABLE 4H 82 164 3/3
3 ?CEOOTV VOTE O1 21 -137 63 3/4 (D)OVECOTE O1 158 322 3/4
4 GOPSTUY SPORTY J1 25 -11 88 2/4 YUPS N6 36 358 3/4
5 DEILNOR MINDER K4 18 -5 106 3/4 IDE 5K 23 381 3/4
6 AEKNRUZ RAZE 7G 24 -26 130 4/4 ZEA 3I 50 431 3/4
7 EIIKOTW WAKE 7G 20 -10 150 3/4 TWINKIE 6E 30 461 3/4
8 DEINRRS WEIRDS F6 14 -24 164 3/4 IRREFORMABLE 4D 38 499 3/4
9 ?EHOPSV E(C)HOES 10D 16 -25 180 3/4 OP(A)H 2G 41 540 3/4
10 AEMOSWY WO 1G 32 -71 212 3/4 SOMEWAY 1A 103 643 3/4
11 ADFINRS FINDERS 10D 15 -57 227 4/5 FRIANDES 10B 72 715 3/5
12 CDEGIOT             COEDIT M7 29 744 3/5
13 GNOQTUX             QUINT D8 48 792 3/5
14 ADEELNU             UNELATED 12H 74 866 3/5
15 AGNNORT             NATRON 13C 31 897 3/5
16 AGGILRS             LIGS 13J 37 934 3/5
17 AEGGORU             GOURA 14A 32 966 3/5
18 AEHIJTV             JIVE 15E 52 1018 3/5

Total: 227/1018 or -791 for 22.29%
Rank: 4132

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