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Game sheet of sandy914 (file), Game of August 29, 2011 at 21:37

Word find
Word played
1 ?DFLMOP             FOLD(U)P H4 30 30  
2 AKMORRU             AMOK I7 24 54  
3 ABEEILN             FINEABLE 4H 78 132  
4 AFHINNR             KHARIF 10I 32 164  
5 AILOSTT             ALTOIST G9 65 229  
6 AEILNTU             TENURIAL L6 68 297  
7 ADINRST             DETRAINS O3 94 391  
8 ?DEHOOR             (F)ORHOOED 5D 104 495  
9 ADEEIOP             OPIATED 15C 39 534  
10 AEOORUY             RYA 3K 29 563  
11 ACEGNNW             WETA 6J 34 597  
12 EGIJNTU JUG 14A 25 -19 25 7/8 JUGLET 13I 44 641 10/11
13 EMNQSTU SUQ O13 51   76 4/8       692 9/11
14 EENRUWY UN 14I 19 -21 95 7/7 WINY 11K 40 732 8/11
15 BCEGINR NE 2M 9 -17 104 7/7 BEGIN 4A 26 758 8/11
16 CCEMORX OX H11 36 -6 140 6/7 BOXER A4 42 800 8/11
17 IMNOSUZ ZOS 14C 29 -10 169 4/7 MIZ 14A 39 839 8/11
18 CEENRST             NONSECRET E4 72 911 8/11
19 CEGIOUV             COME A12 33 944 8/11

Total: 169/944 or -775 for 17.90%
Rank: 6649

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