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Game sheet of kellybelly (file), Game of August 30, 2011 at 03:41

Word find
Word played
1 ?DEEMQX             Q(U)EMED H4 54 54  
2 ABELPRU             PUBERAL G6 80 134  
3 ABEGIST             ATABEGS 11E 40 174  
4 EHOOORS             BOHOS H11 36 210  
5 ENORSUY             YOUNGERS J7 66 276  
6 AEFIIOS             OAF F5 23 299  
7 DDEIPRR             REDIP E2 28 327  
8 EIMNOOY             MOORY 2B 36 363  
9 AAIORTU AT F10 8 -22 8 4/4 QUARTO 4H 30 393 4/4
10 AEGLNTW WANT 1A 33 -56 41 2/4 TWANGLES 15A 89 482 4/4
11 ?AEGINR ERA(S)ING N1 33 -50 74 2/3     83 565 4/4
12 ADEFINZ FAZED 1K 57 -5 131 4/4   1F 62 627 4/4
13 ACEIINT CANT 1A 30   161 3/4 INCITE O7   657 4/4
14 ADIRSTV VIED 1L 36   197 1/4       693 4/4
15 EIKLNTV KENT N10 38   235 3/4 KINE N10   731 4/4
16 ILNOSTV SLOTS 14J 28 -5 263 2/4 VOLT 1A 33 764 4/4
17 IIJLRST JILTS 12A 42   305 1/4       806 4/4
18 ACEIRWX WAX 3M 36 -10 341 3/5 REWAX M11 46 852 4/5
19 ACHIINU NOH M3 21 -18 362 5/5 AUXIN 15K 39 891 4/5

Total: 362/891 or -529 for 40.62%
Rank: 7384

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