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Game sheet of Andy1990 (file), Game of September 2, 2011 at 19:30

Word find
Word played
1 AKLOPSY             YAPOKS H8 40 40  
2 ?CFGIOO             OO(L)OGIC 11E 36 76  
3 AEIOSTW             SWAP 10E 33 109  
4 ADEIMRU             MIRED 12A 26 135  
5 ?BEHINS             NE(B)BISHY 8A 104 239  
6 AFIMNPW             PAINIM B10 32 271  
7 AHINRTU             MATH A12 52 323  
8 DEEINOR             ORDINEES F1 63 386  
9 DEIRTTU             INTRUDE 5E 32 418  
10 AILRSTU             SUTORIAL 1C 77 495  
11 AEELNNT DEALT J5 8 -14 8 4/5 LATEEN 2I 22 517 8/8
12 AGIJNRT JIN J10 26 -34 34 4/6 NARTJIE B2 60 577 8/9
13 ADEGLLO DOG 1M 20 -46 54 4/6 GLADIOLE J7 66 643 7/9
14 BFNORUU BON 1M 21 -25 75 6/7 FOUR 1L 46 689 7/10
15 EEIOUVX AXE 3B 20 -20 95 5/7 SEX C1 40 729 6/10
16 EGIOUVW VOW A1 43   138 2/7       772 5/10
17 BEFGNOY YEN 4K 17 -20 155 6/8 FOGEY 4K 37 809 6/11
18 ABCEIQT QI E4 22 -11 177 3/8 LIBATE 8J 33 842 6/11
19 CENQUVZ             ZEE D11 31 873 6/11

Total: 177/873 or -696 for 20.27%
Rank: 5227

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