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Game sheet of knkrkz (file), Game of September 6, 2011 at 19:29

Word find
Word played
1 ACIILRT ITALIC H6 16 -6 16 2/4   H7 22 22 2/4
2 AEIISTY STY 13H 16 -17 32 4/4 ITALICISE H7 33 55 3/4
3 AEHNTUW WHEATEN 15C 17 -51 49 4/4 UNSWATHE 14F 68 123 4/4
4 ?DEJOOR JADE 9G 22 -92 71 3/4 JO(Y)RODE N9 114 237 4/4
5 EKNSTUW             SUNKET 15A 47 284 4/4
6 AAEIRSY             RESAY O6 38 322 4/4
7 DEFGIIO             DEFOG I5 32 354 4/4
8 CEOPRSW             SCOWDER 5E 52 406 4/4
9 ABELOPT             POTABLES A8 95 501 4/5
10 ?EEIMQT             MESQ(U)ITE E3 68 569 4/5
11 AABELRZ             ZEA G9 49 618 5/5
12 AAAEFNR             FAAN D1 30 648 5/6
13 ALNNOTV             LOVAT C3 31 679 5/6
14 BDIORUV             VROUW H1 36 715 6/6
15 DGIIOPR             PIROGI D8 35 750 6/6
16 ADEINRY             VINEYARD 1H 107 857 6/6
17 BHIIMNU             HUMF 1A 36 893 6/7
18 BDGIILN             BRIDLING K4 74 967 6/7

Total: 71/967 or -896 for 7.342%
Rank: -

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