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Game sheet of fatcat (file), Game of September 9, 2011 at 06:16

Word find
Word played
1 AAENPSW             PAWAS H4 26 26  
2 ?AORRSU             AROUS(E)RS 8A 74 100  
3 ?AEINOX WAXIN(G) 6H 31 -85 31 1/2 ANOXE(M)IA A1 116 216 2/2
4 ABCDHIR CHAIRS E3 22 -51 53 1/2 B(E)DCHAIR F7 73 289 2/2
5 DEELOTW TOWELED C7 32 -60 85 1/3 TROWELED B7 92 381 1/3
6 BEHIMRT BIRTH 13E 15 -65 100 2/3 THUMBIER D6 80 461 1/3
7 AEILOQT PILOT 4H 14 -14 114 1/2 TALAQ 5G 28 489 1/3
8 EEFIIOR FOR A13 26 -3 140 1/2 ORFE G11 29 518 1/3
9 DEEJNSU SEED 15G 23 -21 163 2/2 SUJEE 15G 44 562 1/3
10 EGIRTUY GRAY J3 16 -24 179 1/2 GYRI B1 40 602 1/3
11 AEILNOT AGAIN 1A 7 -23 186 2/2 AGENTIAL 1A 30 632 1/3
12 DEKNNOU NAKED J4 20 -22 206 1/2 QUONKED K5 42 674 1/3
13 DEMNNOU MENU 14K 16 -26 222 1/2 MENUDO 14J 42 716 1/3
14 AEILOST TALES L1 27 -43 249 1/2 ISOLATE 2H 70 786 1/3
15 AEGGIIO KEG 9K 10 -17 259 1/2 GIGA 13K 27 813 1/3
16 EFNOPTV PAVE L1 24 -22 283 1/1 FENT 1L 46 859 1/3
17 IINOPVZ ZIP 4F 16 -36 299 1/1 ZO 15N 52 911 1/3
18 CIINPVY VICE 10H 15 -19 314 1/1 PYIN L7 34 945 1/3

Total: 314/945 or -631 for 33.22%
Rank: 4086

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